Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sir John Pundari Urged to Support Opposition for Change in PNG Government

By Nelson Wandi

In a surprising turn of events, the people of Kompiam Ambum have called on their Member of Parliament, Sir John Pundari, to join the opposition in campaigning for a change of the Marape Government in Papua New Guinea.
Sir John Pundari, who has been a part of the government for 32 years, is being urged to reconsider his allegiance and support the opposition in the upcoming Vote of No Confidence (VoNC) scheduled for May 28.
Despite his long tenure in government, the people of Kompiam Ambum feel that Sir John Pundari has failed to bring any significant development or services to his home district and the nation as a whole.
As a voice for silent majority of Kompiam Ambum, I believe that it is time for a change and that Sir John Pundari must break away from his old ways and take a stand against the corrupt practices of the current government.
It is evident that the people of Kompiam Ambum are dissatisfied with the lack of progress and development in their district under Sir John Pundari's leadership.
Together we are calling on him to align himself with the opposition and work towards bringing about positive change and improved service delivery in their community.As a long-serving member of the government, Sir John Pundari has a wealth of experience and knowledge that could be invaluable in supporting the opposition's campaign for change.
While joining forces with the opposition, he has the opportunity to make a real difference and address the issues that have long plagued his district.
That is more important for Sir John Pundari to listen to the voices of his constituents and heed their call for change.
The upcoming VoNC presents a unique opportunity for him to demonstrate his commitment to serving the people and working towards a better future for Kompiam Ambum and Papua New Guinea as a whole.
In supporting the opposition, Sir John Pundari has the chance to show that he is willing to put aside personal allegiances and prioritize the needs and aspirations of his constituents.
Through embracing this opportunity for change, he can pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for the people of Kompiam Ambum.
As the May 28 VoNC approaches, all eyes will be on Sir John Pundari to see if he will heed the call of his people and support the opposition in their campaign for change.
The time for action is now, and the people of Kompiam Ambum are counting on their Member of Parliament to stand up and make a difference.

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