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Friday, February 15, 2019

What Others Think of Enga Province


“I have come to the breath-taking conclusion that public sector organization require change in its structure, design and directing in order to appropriately respond to the pressures and demands of our game plan. 

To successfully embark on the above, ownership and support of the government is a precondition. Enga’s thrust forward is to have a healthy and literate population that is self-sustaining by 2050” - Provincial Administrator, Dr Samson Amean.

“If there is any province that deserves to be praised for implementing important government programs toward the realization of Vision 2050, Enga Province will surely have my vote of trust and confidence.” – National Planning Minister, Charles Abel during the launching of electricity into Tsak Valley.

“Credit must go to Sir Peter Ipatas for coming up with a landmark decision to turn a province that was treated as backward into a vibrant one with plenty of promise. I was a young medical doctor in Enga about 40 years ago and there was nothing here. You have come a long way with a visionary leader in Sir Peter Ipatas,” – Public Service Minister Sir Puka Temu at Tonges Primary School, Wapenamanda.

“The provincial leadership in Enga is recognized as the most solid when comparing with others as a result of Sir Peter’s bold decision to invest more in the very successful education policy in the last 19 years.” - Trade and Industry Minister, Richard Maru at Enga Teachers’ College graduation for primary school teachers.

“What encourages my government to partner with Enga is the province’s robust education and health development programs. We will continue to assist where possible.” – Australian High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, His Excellency, Bruce Davis during the ground-breaking ceremony for the K7 million student dormitory and messing hall at Enga School of Nursing.

“I am happy that Enga Province has taken a holistic approach investing in education. Our country will continue to provide necessary support through existing bilateral programs as education is the way forward for growth and success as a competitive nation.” – Julie Bishop, Australian Foreign Minister.

It is absolutely evident that we (Enga Province) have changed over the last 20 years. If people around the country and the world have such impression on our progress, then we Engans should know that God has blessed us through our leader to bring Enga this far.

All in all, we still have maintained this government, therefore it is very much promising for Enga to see more changes to come.

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