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Friday, February 15, 2019

The 38 Hectare Farm Land gets ploughed by a new Tractor - Yogos Farm Tsak Valley


The 38 Hectare Farm land at Yogos in Tsak Valley Wapenamanda District, Enga Province of Papua New Guinea is now a agricultural hub.

The farm land is being ploughed by a new Tractor to prepare the land to grow Potatoes, strawberries and bulb onions. This is a project that is run by the Israeli Agro Industry in partnership with the Enga Provincial Government as per the EPG vision on SME.

Mr Den Lev, a Farmer and also a specialist in farm machinaries introduced the basic skills to the Tractor operator to start the farm work. There will be two tractors used at the farm to cultivate the land. Mr Dan left for Mt Hagen to pick up the other Tractor. He told the locals to assist where necessary for the Tractor to do its work.

The locals in Tsak Valley will be supplied with seedlings to farm their own potatoes, strawberries and bulb onions in two months time. The first lot of seedlings were supplied to some locals last week. Any potential farmers in the valley is expected to have

adequate land that is prepared prior to submitting their names and details to Lawrence Londari and Robin Lakari to receive seedlings.

After two months from now, the next lot of seedlings will be supplied as per the names collected by the two named persons. Yogos will be the base and all harvest will be sold here at Yogos.

Photo courtesy; Yogos Tsak Valley Wapenamnda Enga Province.

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