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Friday, February 15, 2019

Despite Governor Ipatas’ Quality Education Campaign In 2017-The 2018 Results Take A Nose Dive.


Thank you Mr Education Minister & his secretary for weeding out corruption n politics in the Education Department in Papua New Guinea.
Many provinces in the country thrived on corrupt schemes in collaboration with senior officers in your department by;
1) Providing exam answer sheets
2) Collaboration on biased selection by higher institutions despite low GPAs
3) Biased ranking of Secondary Schools n not on merit n performance.
4) Misuse n mis application of Enga Subsidy n used the uneven distribution as a political tool to solicit favors n garner political support. Enga was no exception, perhaps it was first.

Since the introduction of the online selections, the true colors of Engas much publicized Education showed up in the 1st year of introduction. Most of us are amused on its turn around results. It's fitting to say; time to identify sheep from goat has finally arrived ending all rhetoric n be-lingering pride puffed mongrels grandstanding a failing scheme which stands for quantity than quality.

None of us should be surprised with the drop in academic excellence in Enga for most of these schools because; most if not all principals have been politically appointed. I have listed the most obvious reasons why Enga produced poor results for public consumption.

As the results speak for itself, it would make sense to list some of the seeds of corruption sowed in our institutions over time under the Governors regime under the guise of Prioritizing Education . In 2018, our passing out children have become victims to a corrupt scheme all for money n politics. Sorry kids, time to buckle up, your opportunity has come n gone, DODL is your only option, learn from your mistakes n upgrade, politics can't help......

The blame game has started with many blaming students, parents, staffs & EPG Administration. However, while everyone is to be equally blamed, more blames should be labeled at the EPG administration, more than students n their teachers.

My reasons are as follow;
1) The Administration has power to recruit experienced, qualified n performing teachers & staff n discipline them when they step out of line.
2) Instill stringent discipline at schools n colleges
3) Improve Administration by not getting involved in politics n run the institutions independently
4) Take precautionary measures to introduce n effect policies e.g. (stop students from using phones during school hours remains with the Administration

The Administration has sowed seeds of destruction n it's harvest time. The rewards are unfavorable, Enga is no longer on the screen at top 20. In fact a sad year for Enga.

Listed below are seeds of disastrous recipe which were in wittingly sowed;

1) In 2017, I witnessed teachers n students campaigning in school trucks from rally to rally for Gov PI from April - July n then aftermath violence period to December missing 8 months of quality learning & teaching time
2) Most of the time, teachers n Education officials follow Gov PI on tours in the province only to feed on feast done by schools in welcoming the Gov. They loose quality time enjoying feast n sight seeing half naked school girls perform flower girl rituals
3) Have seen teachers n principals following Enga Mioks around the country. Wondered if they were teaching in the Mioks team?
4) Enga appears to have successfully thrived on leaking of test papers. Now that stringent controls are in place, the real quality appears to show up so the previous performances could have been artificial as reflected by Enga graduant's written English
5) Gov PI changed his free education policy in 2017 campaign to Quality Education. After his so called change of focus, what do the results show now? Still quantity or quality....
6) Witnessed an exodus of non Ipatas voting teachers migrating out of the province because an inexperienced appointment officer from Wapenamanda was appointed not on merit but on political convenience. He was said to have displaced qualified teachers from Balob & Madang college etc just to fit fresh recruits who supported Gov PI in the elections plus those who paid him for an appointment.
7) Enga teachers college is said to recruit low graded students in exchange for cash n materials other than merits. Quality being compromised in favor of bribery
😎 The PEB & Provincial Senior Education Officials have been appointed by nepotism n favoritism other than qualification n merits thus compromising its selection criteria's.
9) The Free Education policy produced graduates have not been effectively utilized under a properly administrated relief program replacing older n under qualified officers with better trained n equipped graduates. We are still keeping them for political convenience ahead of children's education rendering the education policy baseless if they can not be gainfully employed.
10) Due to an failure and or ignorance in the Enga Administration, the Schools are not being Audited to justify expenses hence shortage of teaching materials. School Boards n chairmans have been hosting feast n donating thousand worth of pigs to the Enga leadership e.g. All schools contributed 1 or 2 k3,000 to k5,000 worth a pig using school money to please the leaders more than buying teaching aid for the children.
11) School board chairmen's have Married extra wife's n built permanent dwelling houses obviously with stollen school money. When queried, they say; its govt of the day... that explains I guess.
12) Nearly every school has a head master or deputy with links to the Gov, if not a supporter e.g. Yalis community school in Lowelai has always had a Apulini/Talyulu/Tsikira as head master since 1994 or there about. I think it's the same all over the province. When issue is raised, the notion of " Government tange" is explained. We all know what that means......
13) Have read a lot from teacher journalist (Robin, Kandes etc) reporting about the where about's of Gov PI. I thought, they spent more time following Gov around reporting n propagating more than teaching at schools. Your school results are your measuring rod now....
14) Teachers & students spend more time on FB than reading books n learning computer skills etc
15) Allocating High & Secondary schools in the Province has been highly politicized n not based on performance.
16) Teaching position appointments were corrupted n not on assessment based.

No matter who copes the blame, 2018 school children have been doomed n set to fail by an uncivilized & politically driven public service programmed n synchronized to dance at any music so long as the Action songs are sung. It's high time, EPG takes serious action by doing the following;

1) Replace the PEB, replace the Education director, replace the appointment officer, replace the inspectors n non performing n unqualified principals & Head Teachers from Secondary n High Schools

2) Send back TFF or Education subsidy so Waigani can deposit direct to school accounts. If that is not done at will, Education secretary n Minister must take an executive decision n recall that function. Please save the next lot of grade 12s coming out.

3) Close down or suspend Enga Teachers College until competency is installed

4) Just keep politics out of Education & keep EPG hands away

5) Restore credibility, n do things right

For those critics who will think this is a cheap shot to score points, I'm sorry the results are now up on the wall. Your true colors are on display.


Note: To comply with page policy, I've added a page of the UPNG selection list for 2019. Please brouse through the DHERST website n view the other pages.

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