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Friday, November 16, 2018

Tera Tandapu the Deputy Governor of Enga needs to step down now

To: The Enga Provincial Government
CC/; PPC Enga Chief Inspector Joseph Tondop
CC/; General Enga People
SUB: Hon. Tera Tandapu the Deputy Governor need to step down now

This notice to inform the general public and the Enga Provincial government that office of the deputy governor is in questionable stage where he needs immediate investigation on the current tribal fighting up at Laiagam between his clan and other neighboring clan in Liop Council ward. He was the former local councilor at Liop ward and later promoted to presidential seat in which he was the chief of Wayap Clans. He used to be one of the top servant leaders where he have so much evidential track records in quenching tribal fighting and used to be peace loving leader who promotes peace in the society and the district as well.

However, this time he pretentiously acclaimed to compensate a deceased men’s relatives with only wrinkling 15 bonny pigs to a former Enga Deputy Party President of PDM, also a local councilor and at the same time a young businessman by the named of Late Kolap Palapi of Lamandon clan in Liop ward in Laiagam District is a total disgrace to Hon. Tera Tandapu and Deputy Governors Office. He as the leader of the province should set a good precedences to uphold the peace and unity in the community where he used to be. As we all know that leaders roles are to protect and prosecure the safety of the community and its people and ensure all his people are equally accessible to the public utilities such as health, education, decent roads etc. For Hon. Tera Tandapu and Local businessman Mr. Pira Kap to hire the local rambos from and around Enga to fight with late Kolap Palapi’s relatives is an absolutely criminal act where these two leaders needs immediate investigation by the police.
It is the tradition in the Engan Society that if one tribe are involved in tribal fighting, other people from neignboring tribe used to assist you in fighting and if one of those good summaritians die in your behalf, you need to compensate properly with good number of pigs and likewise, Hon. Tandapu and Pira Kapa were the instigators of the fight they fought in around 2000 in which Late Kolap Palapi assisted them and got killed. Since then Late Kolap’s relatives have patiently awaited compensation from said leader’s clan for roughly 19 years. 

Just mid this year, Pira Kapa and Tera Tandapu called for compensation while late Kolap’s clansmen were in traditional attires to get compensation but they open fired and nearly shot them all but fortunately all were saved and only two got injured, However, they retaliated and shot down 4 young vibrant men with 34 got bullets from Hon. Tandapu’s side while late Kolap’s side was only one death with two injured but police promptly intervened and have issued preventive order stating Hon. Tera Tandapu’s clan to compensate Late Kolap on the 24th-October this year. Just last week Saturday Hon. Tera Tandapu’s clans compensated late Kolap’s relative with only 15 pigs and late Kolap’s relative accepted it but next day Hon. Tera Tandapu’s relatives have engineered to kill late Kolap’s younger brother but he was severely wounded with several misiles and now he is hospitalized. Again they retaliated and killed four from Deputy governor side and two from late Kolap’s side.

Currently the fighting is getting worst and many life have lost and many more are in ICU fighting for their life.
This fight would not have erupted if Hon. Tera Tandapu and his fellow former CAF Pastor Pira Kapa have not supported his youths by purchasing guns, supplying bullets, hiring local rambos from other tribes in Enga, and have not engineered to kill late Kolap’s Brother. Even, they are leaders but supplying such deadly weapons are unbecoming of calling them leaders.
I therefore, appeal to the Enga Provincila government to consider this point and refer the current deputy governor to the police for the formal police interview to clear his names and also force him to step down to protect the integrity of the public office. since, Hon. Tera Tandapu is the Deputy Governor who occupies the public office needs to step aside to save the integrity of the deputy governors office and also police should do a thorough investigation on his participation in tribal fight which resulted several life lost.

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