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Friday, November 16, 2018

FAREWELL IN ORDER_ Knighted Hela man Clocks 25 years with Porgera JV

By Terry D Cappo

FAREWELL IN ORDER_ Knighted Hela man Clocks 25 years with Porgera JV

Sir Erick Marape, a name synonymous in the Entire Hela and Southern Highlands Provinces has clocked quarter of a century with PJV.

Today PJV branch in Hela farewells him after serving diligently with high commitment and dedication.

Erick Started as an Electoral Officer with Southern Highlands Provincial Government, under Andrew Andaija then Premier, after completing his Grade 10 at Tari St. Joseph's in 1974.

He left after serving for 5 years to join Mt. Kare Alluvial mining as a Community Relations Officer which saw him elected as Chairman of Task Force Committee responsible for peace mediation between Hela Brothers, Paila and Tari over the land ownership of Mt.Kare.

After the closure of the Alluvial Mining he then Started with Placer Dome in June 4 1993, as a Community relations officer Tari branch in charge of the Hides Gas Tower line to Porgera.

He resigned today as a Senior CRO, Grievance Section and also the only Knighted employee of PJV to bow out with Honour and pride.

His message in his speeches today was, " I'm knighted and given a big farewell because I valued two things in Life and that is; 1. PEACE in Communities 2: God First, in all you do. He further stressed that in his entire career he never worked for money but worked to advocate for peace and good order in the Entire community. That is why the Commonwealth Head have recognised me with a knight.

Erick will bow out today and retired to his home village in Kikita no1 village close to Tari town.

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