3:45pm 25th March, 2014
Hon Don Polye MP is on air now on FM 100 radio station and reveals today (25.04.2014) to live audience in Papua New Guinea that:
1. He refused to sign K3 billion loan sought by Prime Minister Peter O'Neil from UBS in Zurich. Thats why he was sacked as Minister for Treasury & Chairman of World Bank and IMF.
2. He was pressured by the Prime Minister to sign the letter directing Treasury to release warrant to pay Paul Paraka Lawyers a total of K71.8 million. The letter was NOT forged as Prime Minister stated but was actually signed. Hon Polye says he was told by Prime Minister to go ahead and process this multi million payment.
3. PNG right now has more than K8 billion in national debt. Its.more than the economic capacity to service this massive debt.
4. That Prime Minister has never consulted all coalition party leaders to get consensus to go ahead and secure K3 billion loan from UBS. This was all driven by one man, Prime Minister himself for his good.
The above are comments by Hon Don Polye MP live on radio FM 100 now.