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Monday, January 23, 2023


By Stan Tondop

The recent visit by the Prime Minister Hon. James Marape upon the invitation of Wapenamanda MP and Vice Minister for Works and Highways Hon. Micky Kaeok has compelled me to put this up. Wapenamanda District doesn't need a flyover at this very point in time. Rather, Wapenamanda needs a "Concept Plan for Town Re-development & Extension".
Wapenamanda District is the main access point both through air and road into Enga Province. It is widely known as the gateway to other parts of the Province. The only airport in Enga is located in the heart of Wapenamanda Town apart from the Kairik Airstrip in Porgera commonly used by employees of Porgera Gold Mine who flies in and out on a chartered basis. Road network from Mt. Hagen to Enga’s Capital Wabag through Wapenamanda is sealed throughout and just perfect compared to others within the Highlands Region of Papua New Guinea.
Wapenamanda District has some of the pioneer government institutions such as the Pausa St. Pauls Secondary School, Mambisanda Lutheran Hospital, and the Wapenamanda Airport (recently rehabilitated). These are all situated within the vicinity of Wapenamanda Central Business District (CBD) and serve the entire province. Most Engan Politicians, Businessmen, Elites, and Senior Statesman whose names are today widely known throughout the country got their basic education from Pausa High School now known as St. Pauls Secondary School. Apart from the above, there are other vital government services like the Wapenamanda Primary School, Four Square High School, Wapenamanda International School, Wapenamanda Coffee Factory and etc. These are all located within the heart of Wapenamanda Township.

During pre-independence and colonial era, Customary Lands around Kumbasakam owned by the famous Yakuman Tribe of Wapenamanda Town were acquired for the development of the town itself. Wapenamanda Airport was first constructed in 1962. Colonial houses were built back then surrounding the airport which still seem to exist today. The execution of land surveys paved way for issuance of allotment and section numbers per zoning. Schools, police station, administration building and others were built. Since then, there has never been any initiative undertaken by the government both at the provincial and national level for the rehabilitation, re-development and expansion of Wapenamanda Township.
The availability of customary land within the vicinity of Wapenamanda town is immense. Over the years there has been a lack of re-development design and planning for town extension and expansion. Proper acquisition of customary land from traditional landowners surrounding Wapenamanda Township is highly required to accommodate and cater for further development.
The vision set by the newly elected Member for Wapenamanda Open, Hon. Miki Kaeok to focus on the re-development and expansion of Wapenamanda Town is very much commendable. Landowning communities within the township must willingly surrender their traditional land for development. The onus is now with the Wapenamanda District Development Authority (WDDA) to work closely with the landowners in proper acquisition of their customary land for the greater good of Wapenamanda in terms of infrastructural and economic development. Public Private Partnership (PPP) is the way forward for the development of the country as set out in the Vision 2050. These will have a bigger impact on the lives of the public servants, business community, and ordinary people of Wapenamanda District.
The following infrastructural development are of greater need to be prioritised within Wapenamanda Town. Funding can be sourced from Wapenamanda DDA, Enga Provincial government, The National Government, Investors or through Donor Agencies.
Mambisanda Lutheran Hospital
Rehabilitation & Extension
Wapenamanda Market Construction
Commercial Bank (Eg; BSP – Wapenamanda Branch)
Wapenamanda Post Office
Commercial Shops/Buildings (In partnership with Investors)
Wapenamanda Police Mobile Base - MS Squard Establishment
Sports & Recreational Area
Current government services in existence within the town vicinity includes that needs Rehabilitation and complete repair includes;
* Saint Pauls (Pausa) Secondary School
* Wapenamanda Airport
* Foursquare High School
* Wapenamanda Primary School
* District Administration Office Complex
* Wapenamanda Police Station
* Mukurumanda CIS Camp
* Wapenamanda International School
* Wapenamanda Coffee Factory
The above are all in operation and in good condition. They not only serve the people of Wapenamanda Electorate but other Districts in the Province and off course other parts of the country as well.
Unavailability of Land became a major obstacle that has hindered development and expansion of Wapenamanda Township over the years. However, all this years, Customary Land within the perimeters of Wapenamanda Town has always been available but never utilized for the purpose of town expansion and extension by the government and stakeholders.
Donor agencies and investors mostly fund proposed development on a clear titled land. In order to attract outside funding and allow development partners in the development of Wapenamanda Township, land has to be made available. Since State Leases are scarce, traditional land surrounding Wapenamanda Central Business District had to be acquired from the customary landowners and convert them into State Land by the government to enable services and extend development.
Wapenamanda Town has the potential of becoming an economic hub for the province. It already has an airport and other government services. All it needs is a genuine market as land there is fertile unlike other parts of Enga. Wapenamanda produces the best fruits and vegetables. About 80% of the produces sold at Wabag market is brought up from Wapenamanda District. A commercial bank is also needed at Wapenamanda given the number of public servants who are working and residing there. Commercial business activities would also be on the rise when land is available for construction of commercial shops and shopping malls. The onus is now with the Wapenamanda DDA and stakeholders together with landowning communities.
People from Tsak Valley, Lower-Lai, Minamb Valley, Upper Lai and Wapenamanda Central all make their way to Wabag to do banking, marketing, shopping and etc. The implementation of the above development would see Wapenamanda Township change physically and have a greater impact on ordinary people living within the District.

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