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Friday, January 4, 2019

Call for sacking of school principals in Enga Province after fall in the Gr10 and Gr12 National Examinations

By Tony Sulupin

In light of disappointing selection results produced by Gr 12 students in Enga's 6 secondary schools, aggressive actions must be taken against the principals who had displayed incompetency in executing duties.

Its a sole duty of principal in consultation with his/her 2x deputies to ensure adequate learning is taking place. The competency and consistency of teaching staff is assessed on regular basis so that students don't miss out anything they deserve for learning.

The principals may have failed in their duties that students were not provided with conducive study environment in terms of food rations, behavior control, learning materials and of course quality/experienced teachers.
The incompetent principals must not worry about their wellbeing but they must be either demoted or sacked as future of children is paramount important. PEB must act now or Enga will continue to take a nose dive trend.

Its also crucial to review the appointment of PEB members so as to install people with merits and not political affiliates who have substandard skills.

In the year 2000, Kopen Sec alone had 60 students accepted into universities and Higher Learning Institutions in PNG. This was the pioneer batch of graduates despite little learning materials but in fact Kopen shocked the nation when it topped in Mathematics A and Physics. However, today's results are terrible and in no way near to that year when Kopen was rated among the top performing schools.

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