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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

District Development Initiatives-Papua New Guinea

By Andrew NILI
Facebook, The Enga Politics Page (17.11.2015)

Every Districts in the Country [Papua New Guinea - PNG] are comprised of five unique sectors; 
1. Infrastructure 
3. Education 
4. Law & Justice 
5. Economic.

These five sectors are the road map for public services and goods delivery in the both rural and urban areas where the district five year corporate plans are captured in it. Thus the national government undertakes its national budgetary appropriations and commitments annually or appropriate reviews through this road map consistent with the corporate plans. 

The District Five Year Corporate plans are consistent with National or Regional Policies; PNG Medium Term Development Plan 2011-2015, PNG National Departments Ten Years Sector Plans, PNG Development Strategic Plan 2010-2030, PNG National Strategic Plan 2010-2050, Vision 2050 and United Nations Sustainable Development Goal and other relevant regional policies.
The District Services Improvement Program [DSIP] and District Support Grant [DSG] funds are annually compulsory to every District in the Country where the national government delivers to the Districts through national government annual budget. The Public Investment Program [PIP] and other donor funds are not compulsory as DSIP and DSG but the budgetary appropriations and commitments are realized through the importance of the project, availability of capitals, well articulation of documents, reputable connections and political wills in the national and regional unique scenario with the host leaders.

I can outline the development initiatives for particularly WAPENAMANDA District through the FIVE [5] Sectors which has been consistent with the District Corporate Plan 2012-2017 in reference to the National / Regional development policy frameworks as above.

1. Infrastructure Sector

Bridges – Bailey and Foot Bridges – Most of the bridges constructed in the four corners of the District have been funded by DSIP and few that have been counter funded, the district administration also provided some funding as capital as well as administrative costs for the procurement process and project management costs have been also incurred on the processes.
Roads – Tsak and Lower Lai Roads have been funded by National Government through one of the above process. The parts of procurement process, other administrative, and project management costs have been taken care of by DSIP/DSG funds. Whilst the small road developments, maintenance and upgrading have been entirely funded by DSIP/DSG funds.

2. Health Sector

The Health Sector in terms of Buildings, Facilities, Vehicle and Specialists have been developed, provided, upgraded and improved by DSIP / DSG funds for Mambisanda Rural Hospital, other Sub-Health Centers and the couple of Aid Posts. The other associated costs involved in technical ground works to secure funding from other donors such as Australian Government, Turkeys Government and many other donors who are willing to fund and change the face of the Mambisanda Rural Hospital and others have been continued to exhausting the DSIP Health Sector budget in the District.

3. Education Sector
The huge investments on the Education sector such as four classrooms in one building for Pausa and Wapenamanda Four Square Secondary and Tsak Yogos High, and primary/community/elementary schools also in the four corners of the District all have been funded by DSIP/DSG funds from the District except the E-Library which the cost was shared by Taiwanese Government.

4. Law & Justice Sector

Boarder Police Station / System is one of the major investments from DSIP funds. This will have the Office & Lock up facility and Accommodation buildings which the construction is in process. The Wapenamanda town and other small Police Stations maintenance and improvements are at large from DSIP funds as well. The costs of the guns and increased on police personals arrangements in the District also exhausted some part of the DSIP. The Supreme and National Court Registry House funding appropriations by National government, which the capital budgetary appropriation was set aside from DSIP funds as well.

5. Economic Sector

The three Coffee Factories in the district have been funded through DSIP. The other business including piggery, poultry, coffee and rest of the local businesses have been continued to fund through DSIP/DSG. The Administrative costs for Tsak and Timina Mini Hydrous have been huge as well whilst the funding is still with the National Government and Donors for the project designing and construction which these in return will change the local economy through the arise in business opportunities.

SECIFICALLY, the funding for the projects of these five sectors have been funded evenly across the District. The infrastructure was attributed and funded heavily to enable other sectors to deliver goods and services efficiently. This occurs or happens in any growing economy in the globalizing world to elevate development and achieve policy framework goals.

We will see a lot of unique and additional changes in the District. It is advisable in detail that nothing comes free direct from national government or other donors. If funds reaching any economy or district from all the leaders so called MEMBERS IN THE WAIGANI NATIONAL PARLIAMENT HAUS, the districts or economies in the districts would have been changed long time ago and there would not be any even politics preaching in the Country. 

Other Districts are not experiencing such tremendous and huge developments. Recent and previous Wapenamanda District administrations had not been delivered any such tangible and high impact projects for the last forty decades even beat closer range whilst in comparison with what the current District Administration is undertaking the development initiatives . We can’t compare with them as well. Today is a new world. The previous administrations did within their limited ability, connections and knowledge.

The supports in the sports especially rugby and others as I am posting, we will propose the idea to the Wapenamanda District Development Authority [DDA] for their consideration and deliberation for funding and reviving some of the sports activities as this will complement the Law and Justice sector in the District.

Any further queries should be considered and reply it with constructive and sensible ideas as people posting related to reviving sports in the District.

Please don’t raise snap ideas like some of our other friends on FB are raising, who’s continuously duplicating and uploading the same stories inquiring for DSIP, National Government, and Donor funds and even mentioning the DDA not delivering goods and services without fare knowledge about public service and goods delivery system.

Many many thanks for your nice viewing and comments.

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