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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Understanding Government Process & Procedures

Extracts from the Facebook site: Wapenamanda District, Enga Province, PNG. Thanks to the Admin and the author

It is important as citizens that we understand some basic “standards of practice” in the operation of the Government of Papua New Guinea.
Hon Rimbink Pato, Wapenamanda MP
and Minister for Foreign Affairs
 Annually each District receives funding from the National Government which goes into the District Operating Account. The funds are received monthly or quarterly and deposited into the “operating accounts”. 

The deposits are routinely subject to National Department of Treasury cash-flow constraints. They are in two (2) categories. The District Service Improvement Plan (DSIP) receives annually K10 million and the District Service Grant (DSG) receives annually K500,000.

Minister Pato with Kay Start Managing
Director Mr Paul Kurai 
 In 2015 the National Government also distributed TIDE grants to every District in the amount of K5 million to assist in various key sectors for development. 

In Wapenamanda District the K5 million was allocated as follows: Gutnuis Lutheran Rural Hospital – Mambisanda K2 million and St. Paul’s Lutheran Secondary School – Pausa K3 million. 

These amounts will be spent to improve the condition of both the historic landmark institutions in Wapenamanda District.

The K10 million allocated to the District is annually budgeted for and is utilized in the construction of new buildings for schools and health centres, feeder

roads, bridges, primary schools, elementary schools and secondary schools, sub-health centres, aid posts, and supporting the work of area Police and related law enforcement agencies. The District also pays for the staff employed in the District by the MP’s Office and support staff.

At the request of the Hon. Member for Wapenamanda, Hon. Rimbink Pato MP, in August of 2013 the Prime Minister committed K25 million to the Tsak Road Rehabilitation project and then an additional K10 million to the Lower Lai Road Rehabilitation project.

St Pauls Lutheran Secondary School
The new classroom block funded
by Hon Rimbink Pato.
Both the road projects are National Works projects and thus the funding, planning, execution and oversight of both these major road projects is entirely done by the National Department of Works & Implementation. As with all national works projects, the Wapenamanda District does NOT receive ANY of the funding.

The entire project including funding is held and executed by the PNG National Department of Works & Implementation. This includes the component for compensation to landowners for trees and crops that were damaged or lost as a result of the project. In fact, Wapenamanda District has committed K1 million in additional funding from DSIP to the Department of National Works & Implementation to assist with the costs of compensation to local landowners affected by the work done on both the Tsak & Lower Lai roads. The National Government through the Department of Works will be paying landowners affected.

The K35 million in road projects allocated by the PM to Wapenamanda District went through the standard tender process utilizing the Central Supply & Tenders Board (CSTB). After National works vetted the bids by the contractors the NEC and the CSTB then decided on which contractor would be awarded the contracts for the Tsak & Lower Lai Roads.

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