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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Schram was the man we all fought for but do we have any other ways of accepting the good VC into PNG Unitech?


Just by looking at the photos posted on the internet sites including the social media, it was so annoying the way the good CV Dr Albert Schram was accepted into the university campus. 

Dr. Schram, 50, from the Netherlands took office as the new Vice Chancellor of the Papua New Guinea University of Technology on the 7th February 2012 from Misty Baloloi who was a VC for 17 consecutive years. 

On the 8th February 2013, Dr Schram was deported from the country on allegations that he has no proper academic qualifications to take the university's top post.
 As reported on PNG Attitude blog last year (2013), Dr Schram was in Singapore for a brief medical visit and, upon returning in Port Moresby, he was refused to enter the country and put on a plane to Brisbane.

The academia was restricted to enter the country on allegations that he has no proper qualifications to take the University's top post. However, Investigation into the saga led by retired judge Justice Mark Sevua found that there was no questions about the qualification as he holds PhD and several masters, as reported on PNG Blogs.
Yesterday was the end of a 4 weeks peaceful protest against the government of Papua New Guinea by the students of the university  when Dr Albert Schram set foot on PNG soil. This is a victory not only for the current students and staff at the university but for the future generations of student that will enter that institution and the future human resource of Papua New Guinea. 

Dr Schram has showed his leadership potentials and qualities within the short period of time. Under his leadership many impact projects were getting on the ground. New students dormitories, road sealing etc within the short time that really attracted students hearts. 

While appreciating the toughest SRC President and his Executives, uncompromised student body, staff, fighters on the net, and those who have been literally fighting the battle to have the victory at the end, there should also be other proper ways of organizing the event. 

Just imagine how many lives would have lost if one of the trucks loaded with students ended up in accident along the road between Unitech campus and Nazab Airport. The risk of potential accident is too high in such situations and in such time when we are so excited.
  1. Organize with PNGs mainline news medias including EMTV for wider news coverage (Point A-Z),
  2. SRC and student reps from all 21 provinces receives the VC at the airport in full gentlemen dressing,
  3.  Escort him in convoy vehicles from Nazab to Unigate in emergency alarm and horns,  
  4. Entire student body line up on both sides of the road from the Taraka campus gate into the main Admin office,
  5. Put VC on the shoulder from the gate and march into the Admin office with shouts of victory,
  6. Organize a huge forum at the campus,
  7. SRC officially welcomes him into the campus followed by the VC 

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