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Friday, March 21, 2014

Dr Albert Schram allowed to return

After a three week boycott, students at the university of technology have won a small but significant victory.

The Justice Minister, Kerenga Kua, has given an undertaking that he and other government ministers will facilitate the return of Dr. Albert Schram to Papua New Guinea. "If you are in contact with Dr. Schram, please tell him to loge an application for a visa at the nearest PNG consulate."

Mr. Kua, has also directed government lawyers to remain in Lae this weekend to prepare documents to set aside a court order preventing Dr. Schram from returning as Unitech Vice Chancellor.

The compromise was reached after a four hour meeting between students and five ministers including Higher education Minister Delilah Gore, Police Minister, Robert Atiyafa and Trade Minister, Richard Maru.

The Higher education Minister will also table the Sevua investigation at a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday and will travel with the same delegation to Lae on Thursday to make the announcement.

Meanwhile, classes will remain suspended until Dr. Schram's return is finalized.

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