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Friday, February 24, 2017

A 117 years old Village Councilor, Cr Itokon Yai from Itokon tribe of Lower Lai LLG of Wapenamanda District, Enga Province of Papua New Guinea

Giant Yakuman and Itokon tribes of Wapenamanda were once under his directorate for over 15 years. Later, Yakuman had their own councilor while Itokon tribe was under this man for almost 35 years. A peace loving leader of all time. A leader to remember.  

Monday, February 20, 2017

Set for freedom from the Human Zoo: Three men from Wapenamanda in the Enga Province have been acquitted from murder charges at the Waigani National Court.

By Sally Pokiton, PNGLOOP
17:13, February 3, 2017

The suspects, Jeffery Pitu, Jacob Lais and
Newman Upas were charged with the murder of their relative, Matthew Masket on Feb 22, 2015.

Justice Panuel Mogish today acquitted them of the charge because he was of the view that Masket died as a result of the impact of the car crash at the tunnel between Stop N Shop and the RSPCA clinic.

He said this was a case of “who to believe” which the State did not prove beyond reasonable doubt.

State had alleged that the Masket was killed earlier at Sabama where they had been drinking and the accident was a cover-up however Justice Mogish said the link of being killed at Sabama and later driven to the crash site did not add up.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Life in the Highlands of PNG

Photos compiled by Chief Tsak Pembe